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 Recycle and sell empty toner ink cartridges and mobile phone 
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Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:16 am
Posts: 21
Post Recycle and sell empty toner ink cartridges and mobile phone
We are an active collector and purchaser to whom you can sell empty ink and toner cartridges for recycling and charity fundraising. It is very unfortunate that in today's modern times people still bin their empty printer cartridges. As you can imagine, such landfill is terrible for the environment, and also bad for your pocket.

If you are one of those people who prefer to recycle their empty printer ink cartridges, you have come to the right place. Simply call us and we will arrange to pickup your empty cartridges free of charge from you. If you have several empties, we could buy them off you for cash. This depends on the quantity and models of your empty laser toner cartridges you wish to sell.

Besides the financial benefits, submitting your empty ink cartridges to us is good for recycling and the environment, as we will forward them to our factory for remanufacturing. During the process we also help raise funds to charities. We hope that as time goes by, more and more people will turn to recycing their printer consumables to help preserve our planet. So go on and do the right thing - send your empty printer ink cartridges to recycling, and get cash for saving the planet. It couldn't be any simpler. With only a few mouse clicks you can arrange for us to collect empty printer ink cartridges for recycling, and in most cases you would receive cash in return. Further to that, we would donate much needed money to charity. We have recenctly launched a new scheme to purchase old mobile phones for cash. To order a free ink recycling box or envelopes click here.

Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:40 am
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