How do I Choose the Correct Laptop Charger?
The best option in finding the correct laptop charger is to go to the source. Go to the manufacturer that made the computer and find the laptop charger there. Online stores may be the best option in this case because online stores usually carry a greater selection than physical stores. Once at the store, look for the charger that came with your computer. This way, you will be sure to find the correct one.
If, for some reason, you are unable to go to the manufacturer’s store or are unable or unwilling to get the charger shipped to you through online stores, you can go to a computer or electronics store. When looking at the laptop chargers available, take the time to look at the computer models the charger you are looking at is compatible with. This information should be listed on the packaging. If your specific computer model is on the list then the charger will work for you computer. If it is not, find another charger.