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 What hackers do 
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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:38 am
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Post Re: What hackers do
Hi guys

Follow an offbeat, non-technical investigation of what hackers do, how they do it, and how you can protect yourself in this sample chapter from Steal This Computer Book 4.0: What They Won't Tell You About the Internet. Learn where the hackers are, how they probe a target and sneak into a computer, and what they do once they get inside. Begin by getting into the mind of a hacker to explore why hackers choose their targets, then closely examine how hackers find a target. Chapter coverage includes: war dialing, port scanning, war driving, accessing a WiFi network, and probing sites by Google hacking, as well as steps you can take to defend your system against these methods.

Thanks for all

Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:48 pm

Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:37 am
Posts: 18
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Post Re: What hackers do
Hi guys

In theory, people who try to breach computer security should be called crackers rather than hackers. But the popular press has lost the distinction between the two, and I'm not going to make life difficult by trying to resurrect it.
So, hackers, as popularly defined, are computer experts who spend enormous amounts of time trying to breach the security of networks, Web servers and email servers. Usually they use a selection of specialist software to identify weaknesses, which are then exploited.
The majority do it for fun and as a challenge. They're not interested in attacking private individuals. It's the big companies and authorities they go for.
There are just two aspects of hacking that you have to worry about as a private individual. One is that your details are on various company databases, and when these are cracked, information about you can be stolen.
There's not a lot you can do about this, and it definitely happens from time to time. The good news is that you won't finish up with any financial liability if your credit card details are discovered. Your credit card company and the company that was cracked will sort it out between themselves. It's unlikely that you'll even know it happened.

Thanks for all friends

Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:06 am
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