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How to Care for Cotton Fabric
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Author:  sliver47 [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  How to Care for Cotton Fabric


Often described as "breathable" because of its ability to absorb and release moisture quickly, cotton fabric makes cool, comfortable clothes. It is a tough textile, able to withstand high temperatures without disintegrating, and lasts for years. Read the care label on your items to ensure you're caring for the fabric properly, as cotton is often combined with linen, wool or polyester. If this is the case with your item, it may require additional or different care than what is outlined below.

Pre-treat the fabric under the arms and around the neck of white cotton shirts with a stain remover. Residue from perspiration, natural oils and deodorant build up over time to create permanent stains.

Turn embellished cotton clothing (anything with beads, graphics or glitter) inside out before washing. Do the same for dark denim jeans you wish to keep dark.

Use regular bleach on all-white cotton items, but only use color-safe bleach on dyed cotton garments.

Wash cotton in your washing machine using warm water and laundry soap; use the gentle cycle when washing delicate items like lingerie.

Dry cotton fabric in your dryer on low heat or hang it to dry on a clothesline. Drying dark-colored fabric in the dryer will fade the color over time.

Iron your cotton fabric with a hot, steamy iron to remove unwanted wrinkles. Check the fabric for missed stains before you iron it to avoid permanently "setting" the stain.

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