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 Looking Back At The Seventies Office 
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Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:06 am
Posts: 33
Post Looking Back At The Seventies Office
It’s impossible to imagine how we would cope in the modern office without all the technology which surrounds us. How would we be able to function without business broadband, computers, business mobiles and up to the minute telephone systems?

If you look at old photos of the office from the seventies, and even in the eighties, you’ll be surprised at how basic they were. Some may have had fax machines, but when it came to technology, that was about as sophisticated as it got! Of course people still managed to get the job done in the days before business broadband and computers, but think how much more difficult it must have been back then.

For instance, if you wanted to get in touch with someone it had to be by standard business phone lines, and if they were out of the office you had to wait until they returned before they picked up your message. This is why we shouldn’t just take it for granted when we use business mobiles to keep in touch with each other these days. Just imagine how difficult your job would be if we didn’t have these pieces of equipment.

For example, if you were out on the road and needed to call the office to discuss how you were going to handle a deal, you’d have to find a pay phone at the side of the road before you could make contact.

So the next time you are using your business phone systems, just remember how difficult life was for people in your position just thirty-odd years ago!

Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:48 pm
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