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 The Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Meetings 
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Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:08 pm
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Post The Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Meetings


Since online meeting participants are in different locations, the meetings offer the advantage of informality. Without the tense atmosphere of the conference room, participants may feel relaxed and may be more willing to put forth their ideas. Participants can dress casually if they prefer, which can also increase their comfort level.

Cost Savings

Holding meetings online also offers the advantage of cost savings. Participants don't have to be flown in from distant points and put up in hotels since they can take part from anywhere they have Internet access. There is no added expense from lost productivity resulting from travel.


Online meetings are easier to organize. There's no need to assemble bulky paper reports or handouts. Since the entire presentation can be viewed online, it flows easily without the presenter needing to shuffle paper or fumble with flip charts. Graphs, charts and other visuals can be inserted at their proper place in the presentation material.

No Vibe

A big disadvantage of online meetings is that the meeting presenters may have a difficult time gauging the reaction of the other participants. The absence of "vibe" makes it hard to tell if an idea is being well-received or is going over like a lead balloon. There's no body language to read or telltale facial expressions to discern.

Lack of Attention

Since there are no worries of being caught doodling or yawning, a disadvantage of online meetings is that the participants may be less likely to pay attention during slow points in the meeting. As a result, they could miss an important item or comment without even being aware. If participants are at home, they could easily be distracted by the kids, the dog or the telephone.

Technical Difficulties

If the meeting presenters are not technically savvy or have a fear of technology, the meeting could prove to be a disaster. A presenter may have difficulty accessing the proper system or may not know how to navigate through the presentation. The result could be an unfocused, disjointed presentation that benefits nobody.


Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:24 pm
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