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 How to Prevent Losses in Your Small Business?? 
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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:55 am
Posts: 22
Post How to Prevent Losses in Your Small Business??
Here are some steps you can take to cut down on your losses
1) Effective Management:The management at all levels needs to understand the company's goal of loss prevention, and undertake the same.
2) Employee Participation:No loss-prevention program can be effective, without the participation of employees. The employees need to be trained in loss prevention methods. You could try enrolling them in loss prevention training classes so they know what to do before, during and after a situation that can cause loss.
3) Develop a Program:The loss prevention program should have a clear road map. You must develop ways to evaluate losses, predict them and avoid them.
4) Collaborate with other Businesses:In order to prevent losses, you should consider collaborating with other similar small businesses. You can work with other businesses on issues like audit practices, loss evaluation and using statistical ways of tracking trends. You could also collaborate on human resources, operations, risk management and other related issues.
5) Focus on Key Areas:Loss prevention should not be a diffuse program that covers everything imaginable. Instead, you should focus on what can cause more loss to your small business. In most businesses, losses are caused more by employee claims than by natural disasters. The key is to prioritize and then allocate more resources to areas that are more problematic.

Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:32 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:25 pm
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Post Re: How to Prevent Losses in Your Small Business??
Focus on Key Areas.
Loss prevention should not be a diffuse program that covers everything imaginable. Instead, you should focus on what can cause more loss to your small business. In most businesses, losses are caused more by employee claims than by natural disasters. The key is to prioritize and then allocate more resources to areas that are more problematic.

Consider Alternatives:
In case the essential services and supplies are disrupted, whom can you approach for help? Keep alternatives ready, whether for electric supply, essential raw materials, distribution, transportation, promotion etc.

By considering all potential risk factors, you can prevent losses to your small business. Thinking creatively helps, since it gives you new ways to tackle old problems of losses.

If you are not sure how to tackle the problem of losses on your own, you can approach a small business consultant for help.


Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:00 pm
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