Traveling With Other People ( in Group)
* With more people come more ideas of things to do and more chances for fun.
* You aren’t responsible for always coming up with the itinerary or figure out what to do.
* Locals and other travelers are less likely to approach you if you’re already in a group.
* You have a support group, so to speak – everyone looks out for one another (usually).
* You’ll have other people around to share the experience with.
* There is a danger of falling into a “herd” mentality and not saying what you’d like to do, but instead always doing what the majority wants.
* You’ll have other people’s idiosyncrasies to deal with.
* If you get sick, you’ll have someone around to commiserate or make a run to the pharmacy for you.
* There are always people to watch one another’s bags and backs and such.
* You’re always around other people, whether or not you want to be.