Congratulations mum. Here are some tips to good pregnancy health and enjoyment:
* Rest when you can.
* Use a birth ball to relieve discomfort.
* For nausea/sickness use travel sickness acupressure wrist bands or a natural supplement such as Good Morning Mama
* Start a journal or a pregnancy blog.
* Drink several glasses of water a day.
* Join a prenatal yoga or exercise class.
* See an osteopath in mid-pregnancy to align the pelvic area.
* Add 300 – 500 calories a day while pregnant.
* Oil boobs and belly with coconut oil.
* Take a childbirth class.
* Take a prenatal vitamin each day as directed by your healthcare practitioner – there are some excellent specialist vitamins such as Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus
* Avoid alcohol and smoking/other people’s smoke.
* Get adequate sleep.
* Put your feet up several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the legs and feet.
* For heartburn try a milky drink.